雪莱的培训获得了瑜伽联盟的认证,十多年来一直激励着老师和瑜伽爱好者。这个独特的海滨度假胜地位于保护区内 Auroville 的圣地,由 Sri Aurobindo 和 The Mother 在南印度创建。雪莱与他们的教义有着长期的关系,很荣幸能够在这个空间内提供瑜伽体验。我们还将冒险前往蒂鲁瓦纳马莱(Tiruvannamalai)、寺庙之城和伟大的阿鲁纳恰拉山(Mountain Arunachala)住两晚,参加 MatriMandir 的调解,并体验本地治里当地的寺庙和静修处。
在浩瀚无垠的海洋中,这个静修地包括一个私人游泳池和两个优雅的~ 14 天阿育吠陀~ 由两个阿育吠陀领导的治疗项目 医生,并得到了一支了不起的团队的支持,专为深入了解您的真实本性而量身定制。 阿育吠陀和瑜伽结合在这种独特的变革性培训中,旨在为您提供全面的 深入学习疗法的能力 这些庞大的模式以及如何通过专业知识和改进来应用它们。
了解更多关于激情的信息 Oceano背后 http://oceanocliff.com/
Oceano 悬崖边
' 我们经验丰富的团队根据您的个人需求,结合草药和适当健康的饮食,制定个性化的治疗方案。我们提供许多美妙的愈合和促进年轻的草药配方,可以增强免疫系统,同时纠正潜在的不平衡。专业的阿育吠陀和悉达医生和治疗师团队随时为您服务。在详细咨询后,我们准备从放松疗法到长期治疗过程的定制治疗,因为您的个人目标就是我们的目标。
对阿育吠陀有什么期望 治疗方案:
- 治疗期将从彻底的咨询开始(如果学生有严重的身体不适或需要我们的阿育吠陀医生治疗,请告知并携带医疗报告。谢谢)
- 经过全面咨询后,医生将根据学生的需要制定治疗方案
- 治疗将每天进行,每次约 1.5 小时。
- 建议在治疗开始前每天进行简短的咨询,以便学生和医生了解治疗的过程。
- 在治疗期间,食物将根据情况进行调整。
- 阿育吠陀药物将根据
- 一组谈论阿育吠陀
- 一组谈论阿育吠陀烹饪
- 一次草药香料漫步,讲述周围生长的药用植物
- 最终咨询 + 食物建议/生活方式建议以及如果需要阿育吠陀药物的建议,可以带回家继续治疗后的过程。 (此药不包含在价格内)
大洋洲, 瓦卡拉海滩
位于 瓦卡拉海滩未受破坏的部分 在喀拉拉邦,Oceano 是一个阿育吠陀静修圣地,周围环绕着郁郁葱葱的花园和迷人的小镇氛围。沿着海边步行 10 分钟即可到达神圣的帕帕纳萨姆海滩,在那里您可以欣赏到印度教信徒和瑜伽练习者的每日法会。
Teacher Training ~ This 300-Hour completes your 500-Hour Certification with Yoga Alliance
This 300-Hour Teacher Training synthesizes the most current artistic forms of yoga in the West with an appreciation of the roots of yoga within the Eastern traditions. Powerfully transformational on a personal level, this training builds an instrumental foundation of a harmonious alignment within. Understanding the application of advanced cueing of the asanas, sequencing and class design with skillful hands on assisting. You will successfully learn how to teach confidently a strong Hatha Vinyasa yoga, restorative yoga, power and flow classes. You will understand clearly how yoga, the breath and meditation are engaged within your own subtle body-mind and emotional center and how to access your innate powers of transformation and teach from your own experiences. Tantra yoga is the underlying web which weaves through this training to bring a natural spontaneous creatrix to loving life, creating inner balance and wellness.
The teaching curriculum covers an in-depth study and experiential investigation into the vast fields of yoga.
Learning the fundamentals from Beginner poses to expanded levels of Asana, Pranayama and Meditation.
Advanced sequencing strategies, teaching skillful with alignment principles, biomechanics and the instrumental breath.
How to use props, modifications to use for specific injuries and abilities.
Application & Refinement of intelligent alignment techniques and teaching methodologies.
Understand and express clear succinct articulation of verbal cues; apply hands-on-assisting.
How to provide asana variations both effectively and efficiently for all levels; express & understand the health benefits.
How to optimally teach key actions both active and passive with creative expression, diversity, voice techniques.
In-depth training in understanding yoga philosophy, mythology, psychology.
Providing mentorship to students/teachers throughout the training for inspiration, individual practices and one-on-one sessions.
Building community and the importance of good company, business of yoga, ethics.
How to be more confident in voicing an understanding and articulation of yoga philosophy and history and how it applies to everyday life both on and off the mat.
Teach a full class practicum and workshop to further develop your interests and passion for teaching in a specialized area that you wish to share.